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July 10, 2016 | General News | Repairing the World

On Recent Tragedies: A Message from Your Clergy

We could say we've been here before, but this moment feels especially difficult. We can only lean on the calm wisdom of Dallas' Chief of Police, whose words about the Dallas bloodshed can be applied to every one of these tragedies: “We're hurting….We are heartbroken….All I know is that this must stop.”

The Jewish people have never “stood idly by,” have always found some way to collectively mourn, act, ease others’ suffering, deny victory to those forces of hatred or bigotry. I know each of us will be thoughtfully weighing where our time or resources might help to alleviate the anguish of recent days. But in the meantime, we are a close community who will stay close, lean on each other for comfort, for discussion, and for faith, that there will be a better moment and a week without tragedy.

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June 11, 2016 | General News

Reflections after the Orlando Shooting

The news from Orlando this morning has crushed us all. At the same time that we grieve, we are shaken by the brutality that destabilizes our sense of
humanity, civility and security.

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June 5, 2016 | General News

Caring Conversations at the End of Life

What does it mean to be a Jewish community? I believe that at Central Synagogue, it means that each and every one of us is here for the other, being
supportive at all times in our life's journey. This includes end of life, too.

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May 25, 2016

On Welcoming

Moving my family, while continuing to build a rabbinate around interfaith and conversion work, has made me extremely sensitive to these facts: Adjustment to a new way of life is difficult. Belonging takes time. And perhaps the most important: Every encounter in a new place- especially the first one- is a potential game changer. Those very first words and acts of welcome leave an indelible mark. The follow up care and concern only solidify the foundation.

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April 14, 2016 | General News | Repairing the World

A Prayer for Voting

We enter into the voting booth to participate in one of our most sacred rights, privileges, and yes, even obligations, knowing how blessed we are to live in a country in which individuals are elected through the voice of the people. Your vote is counted. Your voice contributes to the future of our country. With our voice and our vote, we live our Jewish values in the public square. It is a sacred act to exercise our right to vote in this country. As so, you might find it meaningful to add a spiritual dimension by bringing this prayer with you into the voting booth – to set your intentions and elevate this moment for you, for any children you bring with you, and for our country.

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