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April 10, 2016 | General News | Repairing the World

Central’s Breakfast Program: More than a Mitzvah

In many ways, I wake up at 5am for myself just as much as I am for them. I am energized by our conversations, grateful for their company, and more self-aware when I leave to go to school that day. Seeing their lack of layers on winter’s coldest mornings puts any bad test score or Model UN anxiety in perspective.

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April 3, 2016 | General News | Repairing the World

Revival Blessing

Rabbi Stephanie Kolin gave this a blessing at the launch of The Revival: Time for a Moral Revolution of Values, a National Revival Tour to Redefine Morality in American Politics. Organized by Repairers of the Breach, Healing of the Nations Ministries, and Drum Major Institute, in coordination with local groups. Revival efforts will include training interfaith clergy and young adults in prophetic moral analysis, moral articulation, and moral activism; calling political leaders to rise above hatred and fear to our highest values of love and justice; and direct actions in state capitals led by clergy and impacted people for three Mondays in September, dramatizing the pain already inflicted by unjust policies. The launch occurred Sunday, April 3 at Riverside Church in New York City.

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March 24, 2016 | General News

Introducing our Director of Adult Engagement

We are thrilled to announce that Rabbi Ben Greenberg will be Central Synagogue's new Director of Adult Engagement (DOAE). Rabbi Greenberg is a writer, consultant, and educator. He most recently served as a planning executive at UJA-Federation of New York, where he helped more than 80 synagogues in New York City design and execute engagement programs, fundraising campaigns, and professional development opportunities.

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March 9, 2016 | General News

Are These Shows Too Jewish? Maybe Not…

As the broadcast and cable TV networks air their season finales to make way for summer replacement shows, you may ask yourself: with everything on the air, on cable and on the web, is there anything worth watching? In the case of at least two series, both on Amazon Prime, the answer is a resounding yes. Not only are they very good, they are also very Jewish.

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February 25, 2016 | General News

Shabbat Shalom from Rabbi Salth in Israel

Sending Shabbat greetings from Israel where I am proud to represent our community at the annual conference of Reform rabbis, hosted by the Central Conference of American Rabbis.

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