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A Prayer for Voting

April 14, 2016 | General News | Repairing the World

We enter into the voting booth to participate in one of our most sacred rights, privileges, and yes, even obligations, knowing how blessed we are to live in a country in which individuals are elected through the voice of the people. Your vote is counted. Your voice contributes to the future of our country. With our voice and our vote, we live our Jewish values in the public square. It is a sacred act to exercise our right to vote in this country. As so, you might find it meaningful to add a spiritual dimension by bringing this prayer with you into the voting booth – to set your intentions and elevate this moment for you, for any children you bring with you, and for our country.

As Rabbi David Seidenberg explains about his prayer for voting: “This prayer is not about casting a winning vote or supporting a particular party. It’s a prayer that peace may come through whomever is elected, on behalf of the whole planet.”

We wish you a meaningful voting experience this Tuesday!

Voting Prayer

by Rabbi David Seidenberg

With my vote today, I am prepared and intending
to seek peace for this country, as it is written (Jer. 29:7):
“Seek the peace of the city where I cause you to roam
and pray for her sake to God, for in her peace you all will have peace.”
May it be Your will that votes will be counted faithfully,
and may You account my vote as if I had fulfilled this verse with all my power.
May it be good in Your eyes to give a wise heart
to whomever we elect today
and may You raise for us a government whose rule is for good and blessing,
to bring justice and peace to all the inhabitants of the world and to Jerusalem
for rulership is Yours.
Just as I participated in elections today,
so may I merit to do good works and to repair the world with all my actions,
and with the act of…[fill in your pledge]...which I pledge to do today
on behalf of all living creatures, in remembrance of the covenant of Noah’s waters
to protect and to not destroy the earth and her plenitude.
May You give to all the peoples of this country the strength and the will
to pursue righteousness and to seek peace as a unified force
in order to cause to flourish, throughout the world, good life and peace,
and may You fulfill for us the verse (Ps. 90:17):
“May the pleasure of Adonai our God be upon us,
and establish the work of our hands for us; may the work of our hands endure.”

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