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On Recent Tragedies: A Message from Your Clergy

July 10, 2016 | General News | Repairing the World

Dear Central Community,

There have been so many devastating events in the past couple of weeks that it is difficult to find the words for optimism now, for healing. Before we had a chance to catch our breath from one tragedy, we heard of the next one. There were brutal terror attacks in Bangladesh, Istanbul, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq throughout Ramadan. And this week’s killing of two black men, Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, followed by five police officers, Michael Smith, Michael Krol, Patrick Zamarippa, Brent Thompson, and Lorne Ahrens, killed while defending a peaceful protest march in Dallas, have deeply unsettled us all.

Yesterday morning, in solidarity with interfaith partners, clergy, staff, and members from our community, took part in a prayer service at Middle Collegiate Church in downtown Manhattan. It was a powerful snapshot of song and sorrow. Reverend Jacqui Lewis, a dear friend of Central Synagogue, preached about the need to be able to hold and acknowledge all the complexities of this moment. To mourn the black lives lost, the police lives lost, the Latino, White, Asian, Jewish, Muslim, and Christian lives lost, and to commit ourselves to working for change that actually changes something. While we know that there is more to do than standing united at one service on one Sunday, being together today helped just a little bit.

We could say we’ve been here before, but this moment feels especially difficult. We can only lean on the calm wisdom of Dallas’ Chief of Police, whose words about the Dallas bloodshed can be applied to every one of these tragedies: “We’re hurting…We are heartbroken…All I know is that this must stop.”

The Jewish people have never “stood idly by,” have always found some way to collectively mourn, act, ease others’ suffering, deny victory to those forces of hatred or bigotry. I know each of us will be thoughtfully weighing where our time or resources might help to alleviate the anguish of recent days. But in the meantime, we are a close community who will stay close, lean on each other for comfort, for discussion, and for faith, that there will be a better moment and a week without tragedy.

We clergy are always available to you and are wishing you peace of mind as we wish desperately for peace in the world.

For I know the thoughts that I think about you, says God, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” – Jeremiah 29:11

Your Clergy Team

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