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Reflections after the Orlando Shooting

June 11, 2016 | General News

The news from Orlando this morning has crushed us all. At the same time that we grieve, we are shaken by the brutality that destabilizes our sense of humanity, civility and security.

We mourn for the 50 lives violently cut short, and pray for the 53 others who are wounded, and all of their families who must live in the aftermath of this devastating act.

Whether this is ultimately found to be an example of religious extremism or a single individual’s hate crime against the gay community, we are sickened by this attack on so many innocent people.

Today, as we marked our holiday of Shavuot, we read from the Book of Ruth and offer these words to the families and communities who are suffering: “I will not abandon you. Wherever you go, I will go. Your people are my people.”

May we, as a Jewish community, find ways in word, prayer and deed to combat the hatred that led to the worst mass shooting in our nation’s history.

Your Clergy Team

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