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Our Staff

Our Staff


LCLJ (K–12 Engagement)

Rebecca Rosenthal

Rabbi, Senior Director of Youth & Family Education

[email protected]

(212) 838-5122 x4031

Mikah Silverstone

Director of the Lese Center for Living Judaism

[email protected]

(212) 838-5122 x4043

Merissa Rosetti

Manager of B’nei Mitzvah Programs and LCLJ Support

[email protected]

(212) 838-5122 x4048

Eve Morin

Assistant Director of the LCLJ

[email protected]

(212) 838-5122 x4040

Amanda Nichols

Assistant Director of the LCLJ

[email protected]

(212) 838-5122 x4090

Lily Horowitch

Assistant Director of the LCLJ

[email protected]

(212) 838-5122 x4036

Jonathan Goldstein

LCLJ Educator/T’Filah Specialist

[email protected]

Ophir Hudes

LCLJ Educator

[email protected]

Miranda DiPaolo

LCLJ Educator/Downtown Programming

[email protected]

(212) 838-5122 x4048

Maggie Sonenshine

LCLJ Educator

[email protected]

Rosalind (Rozzie) Schatz

LCLJ Educator

[email protected]

Brandon Barnes

LCLJ Operations Administrator

[email protected]