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April 1, 2014 | General News

A Look at Our History: Making Matzah

Concern to have adequate matzah for all to properly celebrate Passover has been of interest to our congregation since the 1850s. Central’s Religious School students have participated in making matzah from time to time.

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March 5, 2014 | General News

A Look at Our History: Purim 1963

This year in March we celebrate Purim, the holiday during which we reenact the tale of the courage of Esther to save the Jews. In this 1963 photograph, Central Synagogue’s Religious School students dressed in their costumes for their performance.

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March 4, 2014 | General News

Our New Senior Cantor

I am delighted to share with you the wonderful news that Central Synagogue has named Cantor Mo Glazman as our next Senior Cantor, effective July 1, 2014!

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March 3, 2014 | General News | Repairing the World

Benjamin Susser: Tikkun Olam on His Bar Mitzvah

Ask recent bar mitzvah Benjamin Susser about his extensive involvement with Central Synagogue’s Caring Committee, and he responds simply and with intention: “Being a mensch is who I want to be as a Jew.” His care for the less fortunate appears entirely effortless, a central part of his Jewish identity.

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