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General News

June 11, 2016 | General News

Reflections after the Orlando Shooting

The news from Orlando this morning has crushed us all. At the same time that we grieve, we are shaken by the brutality that destabilizes our sense of
humanity, civility and security.

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June 5, 2016 | General News

Caring Conversations at the End of Life

What does it mean to be a Jewish community? I believe that at Central Synagogue, it means that each and every one of us is here for the other, being
supportive at all times in our life's journey. This includes end of life, too.

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April 14, 2016 | General News | Repairing the World

A Prayer for Voting

We enter into the voting booth to participate in one of our most sacred rights, privileges, and yes, even obligations, knowing how blessed we are to live in a country in which individuals are elected through the voice of the people. Your vote is counted. Your voice contributes to the future of our country. With our voice and our vote, we live our Jewish values in the public square. It is a sacred act to exercise our right to vote in this country. As so, you might find it meaningful to add a spiritual dimension by bringing this prayer with you into the voting booth – to set your intentions and elevate this moment for you, for any children you bring with you, and for our country.

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April 10, 2016 | General News | Repairing the World

Central’s Breakfast Program: More than a Mitzvah

In many ways, I wake up at 5am for myself just as much as I am for them. I am energized by our conversations, grateful for their company, and more self-aware when I leave to go to school that day. Seeing their lack of layers on winter’s coldest mornings puts any bad test score or Model UN anxiety in perspective.

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April 3, 2016 | General News | Repairing the World

Revival Blessing

Rabbi Stephanie Kolin gave this a blessing at the launch of The Revival: Time for a Moral Revolution of Values, a National Revival Tour to Redefine Morality in American Politics. Organized by Repairers of the Breach, Healing of the Nations Ministries, and Drum Major Institute, in coordination with local groups. Revival efforts will include training interfaith clergy and young adults in prophetic moral analysis, moral articulation, and moral activism; calling political leaders to rise above hatred and fear to our highest values of love and justice; and direct actions in state capitals led by clergy and impacted people for three Mondays in September, dramatizing the pain already inflicted by unjust policies. The launch occurred Sunday, April 3 at Riverside Church in New York City.

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