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April 1, 2014 | General News

A Look at Our History: Making Matzah

Concern to have adequate matzah for all to properly celebrate Passover has been of interest to our congregation since the 1850s. Central’s Religious School students have participated in making matzah from time to time.

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March 13, 2014

News about Sarah Koffler

A letter from Cindy Grebow, director of early childhood education

I have some bittersweet news to share with our early childhood community here at Central Synagogue. Sarah Koffler, Assistant Early Childhood Director at Central, has told me that she will not be returning next year.

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March 8, 2014

Purim: Remember

What is it about Parshat Zachor, however, that requires from us the heightened obligation that each and every individual Jew must hear this reading without interruption? What is unique about Parshat Zachor? What are we supposed to remember?

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March 5, 2014 | General News

A Look at Our History: Purim 1963

This year in March we celebrate Purim, the holiday during which we reenact the tale of the courage of Esther to save the Jews. In this 1963 photograph, Central Synagogue’s Religious School students dressed in their costumes for their performance.

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