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News about Sarah Koffler

March 13, 2014

Dear Parents,

I have some bittersweet news to share with our early childhood community here at Central Synagogue.

Sarah Koffler, Assistant Early Childhood Director at Central, has told me that she will not be returning next year. As you may know, Sarah was married last summer and moved with her husband from Manhattan to New Jersey, near where she grew up and where her family still lives. Following the end of this school year and after the end of June School, Sarah will begin working near her home at the Kaplen JCC on the Palisades.

During her four years at Central, Sarah has made important contributions to the Early Childhood Department in both the Nursery School and Young Family Center, rising rapidly through the ranks from Associate Teacher to Head Teacher and then this year, receiving a promotion to become Assistant Early Childhood Director, working closely with me. It has been my true pleasure to work with Sarah this year. I will miss her as I know that we all will, and wish her the best as she embarks on this new chapter in her life.

We have formed a search committee and have begun a search for a new Assistant Director, and I feel confident that we will find a wonderful candidate to work alongside our teaching, administrative, and leadership team to contribute to the continued growth of the Early Childhood Department at Central Synagogue.

With warmest regards,

Cindy Grebow
Director of Early Childhood Education

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