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January 2, 2019 | Programs and Events

Shabbat is Central

In this new year, we continue our Joy is Central series and invite you to lean into Shabbat. Join us on Friday, January 25, where we hope to engage all ages in one of our special Shabbat is Central dinners or events. Additionally, we encourage you to choose one thing that will make Shabbat feel special this month; attend our Friday night services, light candles, bake challah, or even use Shabbat as a time to “unplug,” as Rabbi Buchdahl explains in her video below. Don’t worry – you don’t have to do it all – choose what works for you.

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December 17, 2018 | Repairing the World

James Forman Jr. on Ending Mass Incarceration

On December 10, 2018, James Forman Jr., a Yale Law School professor, explored the complex relationship between race, class, and the American criminal justice system, and discussed and signed his best-selling and Pulitzer Prize-winning book, Locking Up Our Own: Crime and Punishment in Black America.

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December 12, 2018 | Repairing the World

Volunteering as Accompaniers with New Sanctuary Coalition

Central members Liz Wagner and Susan Wagner attended the ICE Accompanier Training event here at Central on December 3. In this piece, they reflect on how and why volunteering to help undocumented immigrants in this way has been such a meaningful experience.

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December 10, 2018 | Programs and Events

Gratitude is Central

Continuing our Joy is Central series, this December Gratitude is Central. Jewish tradition encourages us to pause and give thanks multiple times every day. Research now shows what Jews have known for millenia: expressing gratitude can bring us joy.

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November 20, 2018 | Programs and Events

Giving is Central

We continue to discover month-by-month the ways our tradition helps us find the essential religious element of joy in our lives. This month, we explore the practice of Tzedakah. Jewish tradition commands us to give to those in need, and science shows that doing so brings us joy.

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