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October 23, 2018 | Programs and Events

Food is Central

The first of our Joy is Central events focused on the Jewish emphasis on joy through eating and food. As King Solomon reminded us: “So I recommend rejoicing in life, because there is nothing better for a person under the sun than to eat and drink and rejoice.” (Ecclesiastes 8:15)

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October 10, 2018 | General News

Memorial Scroll

In 1967 Central Synagogue welcomed a surviving Sefer Torah rescued from the Holocaust. A dedication ceremony was held for the scroll whose origins reside in Lipnik, Czechoslovakia.

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October 9, 2018

Reflections on Trip to Montreal

Earlier this year, the Confirmation class at Central Synagogue asked for more opportunities to travel, learn, and experience Jewish faith and tradition beyond New York City. The 11th graders traveled to Montreal to explore the city and see how Jewish life compares to life at home.

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September 29, 2018 | Programs and Events

Joy is Central

Rabbi Buchdahl’s Yom Kippur sermon reflected on the Torah’s commandment to be joyful, and inspired our year-long Joy is Central campaign. Watch Rabbi Buchdahl's Yom Kippur sermon.

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September 25, 2018 | Worship and High Holidays

The Holiness Code: Torah Reflections from Central Members

On Yom Kippur afternoon we read a section of the Torah known as the holiness code. This section, found in chapter 19 of Leviticus, is at the heart of the Torah and contains some of the most moving commandments within our tradition. We asked six of our members to reflect upon one of these commandments. They did so in front of our community just after we chanted from the Torah. We are grateful for their personal and moving insights which are shared below:

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