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General News

March 5, 2017 | General News

Reflections from Central Synagogue Teens on their Trip to Spain

Recently, Central Synagogue's confirmation class took a trip to Spain, exploring its rich and often tragic Jewish history. At the end of each day, a question was posed to our teens and they were asked to record their reflections. Here's what they had to say.

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February 5, 2017 | General News

Rabbi Buchdahl On SiriusXM’s Dean Obeidallah Show

Rabbi Buchdahl joined Dean Obeidallah on his radio show to discuss the recently launched Muslim-Jewish Advisory Council, our moral obligation to stand up for those most vulnerable, and how we as Americans can find connection in a time of deepening discord.

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January 30, 2017 | General News

Caring Conversations: Facing Our Mortality

What does quality of life mean to you? Have you communicated those wishes to loved ones? Who will speak for you when you are no longer able to speak for yourself? Read Rabbi Rubinstein's remarks from his Caring Conversations talk on Tuesday, January 31 where he shared his wisdom and provided meaningful Jewish context for this conversation that is important and relevant to every adult, at every stage of life.

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January 4, 2017 | General News

Bible & Bagels: Once Around the Torah in 24 Years

One of the more familiar passages of the Mishnah enumerates good deeds that cannot be done too often, among them honoring parents, engaging in deeds of loving kindness, visiting the sick, making peace among people. And it concludes, "the study of Torah encompasses them all." If so, then a milestone reached this past December 14 by the 26 congregants enrolled in Bible and Bagels – completion of the reading of the entire Torah – marks a singular accomplishment and the most meaningful connection to our faith.

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November 29, 2016 | General News | Worship and High Holidays

Welcoming Our New Senior Cantor Daniel Mutlu

We are delighted to share that Daniel Mutlu, one of the foremost cantorial voices in this country, will be joining Central Synagogue's clergy team as Senior Cantor, effective July 1, 2017. Cantor Mutlu will work with our gifted Cantor Julia Cadrain, and together they will continue to elevate our musical leadership, weekly Shabbat worship, holiday celebrations, and b'nei mitzvah preparation for children and adults.

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