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Your Voice Matters: Vote Reform in the 2020 World Zionist Congress Election

January 21, 2020 | General News

Make your voice heard in Israel. The World Zionist Congress elections have just opened, giving all American Jews our only democratic opportunity to influence Israeli society and support Israel’s Reform presence.

Founded more than a century ago by Theodor Herzl, today the Congress meets every five years. Its elected delegates make decisions about the priorities of the World Zionist Organization, the Jewish National Fund and the Jewish Agency for Israel, and the allocation of nearly $5 billion in support for Israel and world Jewry. 

Each and every vote for the “Vote Reform” slate, (of which our senior rabbi Angela Buchdahl is a proposed delegate), helps ensure funding and support for religious pluralism, equality, and support for liberal Judaism, among other values. The Reform Movement in Israel has an infrastructure on the ground to help build a Jewish state that truly serves all Jews. 

During the last election, little more than 1,000 votes came from all the Jews of Manhattan. With the support of our greater Central community, we should be able to exceed that number on our own!

I encourage you to watch the video above to learn more as to why I believe our participation is so important, and how the voting works. Voting takes only a few minutes, and costs just a few dollars.

Have more questions? Click here to learn more about the elections, and here for some FAQs.

While voting is open now until March 11, 2020 we are asking people to vote as soon as possible and to spread the news of this important election to their Jewish friends through email and social media. Please feel free to share this email or our posts on Facebook.

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