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The Mishkan: A New Shabbat Morning Experience

December 19, 2017

Come experience Shabbat morning worship in a new way. Led by Rabbi Nicole Auerbach and Cantorial Intern Shani Ben Or, this intimate, musical, and participatory service features a deeper dive into the Shabbat morning prayers. Using Mishkan Tefillah as our guide, we will explore different modes of prayer, using both traditional and new music, readings, and guided meditation. Each service will offer the opportunity for Torah study. Join with an open, supportive community to “unplug,” reflect, learn and find new meaning in tradition. All are welcome. Below you can find testimonials from your fellow congregants and a schedule of upcoming Mishkan services. Click here to sign up to get email reminders about the service.

Audrey Zucker: “What a wonderful way to begin a Saturday – sitting in a semi-circle with Central friends (some new, some old), hearing such prayerful music, parsing a Torah portion together, and being in such close contact with our own spiritual leaders – sheer bliss!  And for new and wait list members who are looking for a way to feel at home at Central, it’s a perfect way to meet people and get to know our clergy.  Saturday morning doesn’t replace Friday night services for me, it just adds additional joy to my life.”

Laura Strauss: “If you can imagine a warmer welcoming place than the sanctuary at Central, which is hard to do, then the only thing that fills the bill is the Mishkan service.  It’s a combination of meaningful prayer and deep Torah study that only can be accomplished in a small intimate setting.
Personally, I feel more connected to my Jewish roots.  It also enables me to get to know other congregants better.  I am so glad that this blessing was started, and I hope it continues for a long, long time.”

Susan Levin Schlechter: “The Mishkan worship experience takes place in a smaller area in the Community House in a semi-circle, all of us seated and facing each other in rows. Immediately there is a closeness to this gathering that allows the intention of worship and prayer to begin to happen with song, musical instruments, words.  This Shabbat service worship service both expands and contracts the more formal service in the synagogue.  Yes, it is the quieter, smaller, more intimate flow that encourages deep connection to the texts, chanted and spoken. This very careful planning by the clergy allows the ease with which we move into a rich, joyful Shabbat worship experience.  It is addictive! (in a good way).”

Karen Chaikin: “Experiencing Shabbat morning prayer in an intimate setting with more time for Torah study and musical exploration, led by amazing clergy and shaliach tzibur (community leader), has added immeasurably to the spiritual breadth of my Jewish observance. There are many ways to experience communal prayer and the Mishkan service wonderfully complements Central’s other Shabbat services.”

Join us for the next Mishkan experience. Click here to view a schedule of upcoming Mishkan services.

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