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Rabbi Buchdahl: Some News and Thoughts on Israel

July 27, 2014 | General News

Three things—two articles and one song—caught my attention this weekend among all the news coming out of Israel, and I wanted to share them with all of you.  Please let me know your thoughts.
—Rabbi Buchdahl

Jeffrey Goldberg writes a clear explanation of how Israel can be winning the war in Gaza but losing the battle of perception in the larger world: The Atlantic, July 27, 2014

Israeli author David Grossman writes a poignant plea against apathy and negotiating for peace when we are not in a crisis mode: The New York Times, July 27, 2014

A teacher in Sderot watches hundreds of her school children deal with fear and trauma in this latest round of rocket firings and created a song for them to sing when the sirens go off.  It is a song of Israeli resilience.

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