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Our Reflections for the New Year 5775

September 16, 2014 | General News

Let us reflect together on our hopes for the new year…

Rabbi Angela Buchdahl

Each new year brings us a fresh chance to affirm our path and priorities. May 5775 be the year we each reach for our best selves—for ourselves, our families, and our community.

Cantor Mo Glazman

May 5775 be a year of personal fulfillment and joy.  May you find the time to love more fully, learn more deeply, sing more enthusiastically, and help those close to you realize the gift of life. Shanah tovah umetuka!

Cantor Julia Cadrain

May you find a sense of shalem, wholeness, with every element of who you are.  May that wholeness radiate out toward all you touch, and offer you the gentle reminder that you are created b’tzelem Elohim, in the image of God.

Rabbi Ari Lorge

May we pursue small acts of kindness and goodness that help illumine the world around us, may our eyes be open to the good that resides in others, and may we find within ourselves strength and joy.

Rabbi Mo Salth

May the world be a better place because you are in it, may you experience something truly breathtaking, and may this year be for you one of sasson (joy), b’rachah (blessing), and ahavah (love).

Rabbi Andrew Straus

May this New Year be a year of growth and change; of Torah, of learning; of doing maasim tovim, deeds of loving kindness; and most of all a year of shalom, of wholeness, completeness, and peace.

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