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Faith Communities for Bail Reform Advocacy Day

February 26, 2019 | Repairing the World

Make Three Phone Calls to your Elected Officials to Ensure Robust and Meaningful Bail Reform is Passed in this Legislative Cycle

Wednesday, February 27, Central congregants were in Albany as part of a Faith Communities for Bail Reform Advocacy Day. We met with 16 legislators, including Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart Cousins and Speaker of the Assembly Carl Heastie, and their staffs, to impress upon them the urgency of this moment and the opportunity to pass meaningful and just bail reform now.

If you were not able to get to our State Capitol yesterday, you can still be a big part of making a difference! Will you raise your voice today by making three phone calls to your elected officials?

Let them know that your Jewish community were in their halls and that you want to see meaningful bail reform pass in this legislative session, which adheres to the following principles:

  • Eliminate cash bail
  • Dramatically and safely reduce the number of people in jail
  • Guarantee pre-trial liberty for as many people as possible
  • And ensure robust due process for those who are eligible for pre-trial detention
  • Find your Senator
    Find your Assembly Member
    Call Governor Andrew Cuomo at 518-474-8390
    To learn more about this issue: click here.

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