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Introducing the Rabbi Peter J. Rubinstein Fund for the Renaissance of Reform Judaism

April 13, 2014 | General News

This specially created fund is our way of showing our immense appreciation and gratitude for our visionary, teacher, leader, and friend, Rabbi Peter J. Rubinstein, as he steps aside as Senior Rabbi of Central Synagogue.

This fund will enable us to secure Rabbi Rubinstein’s legacy at Central and within the greater Jewish community by supporting initiatives that aim to strengthen Reform Judaism in North America and worldwide. These initiatives would include:

  • Annual symposia named in Rabbi Rubinstein’s honor on topics critical to the survival of Reform Judaism
  • The opportunity to pilot innovative programming at Central that would enrich our own community and could serve as a model for other congregations within the Reform movement. Such initiatives may include expanded programming for such groups as our youth, recent converts, interfaith families, young adults, empty-nesters, and 60+.

Show your support here

Contact the Development office with any questions at (212) 838-5189.

Frequently Asked Questions about this Fund

What is the purpose of the Fund?

The Fund will (i) support programs and initiatives, both within and outside of Central Synagogue, that strengthen and promote the growth and vitality of Reform Judaism and/or (ii) help Central develop and incubate programs and initiatives that enrich our own community and serve as a model for other Reform congregations.

What type of fund will this be?

The Fund will be a temporarily restricted fund at Central Synagogue, meaning that Central will have the right to spend both the earnings and principal on initiatives consistent with the Fund’s purpose. We anticipate an average annual spend rate of approximately 6% - 8%, although the Central Board of Trustees retains the sole right to spend whatever amounts it deems appropriate in any given year.

How does one contribute to the Fund?

Contributions should be made payable to Central Synagogue, with a note that the contribution is for The PJR Renaissance Fund. Since Central is a 501(c)(3) organization, all contributions to Central earmarked for the Fund will be considered tax deductible. Congregants who desire to donate over more than one fiscal year should contact Daniel Nadelmann, Central’s Director of Development.

Who will decide how the Fund is used?

The Board of Central will approve all disbursements from the Fund. An Oversight Committee will be established by the Board, and all requests for funding must be approved by both the Oversight Committee and the Board (or the Executive Committee acting on behalf of the Board). The Fund’s purpose and guiding principles will be clearly set forth in a document that will be approved by the Board.

How will the Fund be invested?

The Fund will be monitored separately and overseen by the Synagogue’s Investment Committee, which is made up of trustees and congregants. The Investment Committee will determine the Fund’s risk tolerance and its appropriate asset allocation.

Will Rabbi Rubinstein have any ongoing role with the Fund?

The Fund will support initiatives consistent with its purpose, reflecting Rabbi Rubinstein’s passion while Senior Rabbi of Central for the role of the synagogue and the future of Reform Judaism. The Oversight Committee may consult with Rabbi Rubinstein from time to time to get his thoughts on possible initiatives, such as the topics of symposia underwritten by the Fund. In addition, to the extent feasible, Rabbi Rubinstein may play some role in symposia sponsored by the Fund. Ultimately, however, the Board of Central will decide which initiatives and programs are supported by the Fund.

How/when will contributors be acknowledged?

During the celebratory Friday night service on June 13, 2014, the status of the Fund will be announced. At some point soon thereafter, the names of all those who contributed to the Fund will be circulated to the congregation.

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