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Installation of Cantor Daniel Mutlu

January 29, 2018

On Friday, January 26, our congregation gathered to celebrate the installation of Cantor Daniel Mutlu as senior cantor. One of our Vice Presidents, Shonni Silverberg, presented Cantor Mutlu with a tallit embroidered with an excerpt from the week’s Torah portion, which goes by the nickname Shabbat Shirah, Shabbat of Song. Cantor Multu talked about how his grandfather hounded his childhood synagogue to hire him as the cantor, long before Cantor Mutlu knew he wanted to be a cantor, and accidentally talked him into the career. Rabbi Buchdahl, Rabbi David Lyon of Congregation Beth Israel of Houston, and Rabbi Jordan Millstein of Temple Sinai of Bergen County shared powerful words of praise for Cantor Mutlu.

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Kol Adonai


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