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Female Entrepreneurs Find Their People

November 25, 2019 | General News

Written by Central Member Meredith Polonsky

A new CORE group called Let’s Elevate Female Founders Together (LEFFT) is looking to bring female entrepreneurs together to discuss, advise, and support each other by sharing ideas and experiences. We hope to not only enhance our businesses, but through our experiences together, we will also help forge new connections and find fresh perspectives.

We recently held our first meeting where we not only schmoozed and noshed, we opened up about our businesses, strategies, goals and inspirations. It was a casual and informative meeting where we quickly bonded through our shared experiences. Our businesses are all different, yet we found common ground and took inspiration from one another. We walked away feeling motivated and with the help of the group member’s suggestions, we each identified actions to tackle by our next session. The group plans to meet monthly. Overall, I think LEFFT at CENTRAL feels RIGHT! For more information, contact Meredith Polonsky at [email protected].

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