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Farewell and Best Wishes to Kristy Wesolowski

November 3, 2016 | General News

The Clergy Study said goodbye to our beloved B’nei Mitzvah Program Manager, Kristy Wesolowski, on Friday, November 4, as she has made the decision to move back home to Virginia. Kristy has been such a tremendous asset to our team, and will be greatly missed. We thank Kristy for all of her contributions to Central and know you will join us in wishing her all the best as she begins her next chapter.

Moving forward, your contact person for all b’nei mitzvah related inquiries will be Carrie Connor, Clergy Study Supervisor/Executive Assistant to Rabbi Angela Buchdahl, as we look for a suitable candidate to fill the position. You can reach Carrie at 212-838-5122 ext. 1011 or [email protected]. Please know that our entire team is committed to taking care of all our families and making this transition a smooth one.

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