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Complete the 2020 Census

May 19, 2020 | General News


The census is so important because it determines:

· The number of seats in the U.S. House of Representatives

· The annual allocation of $675 billion dollars in federal funding to help pay for hospitals, emergency services, schools, roads, public transportation and more.

This is the first time that you can complete the census online. Just visit: www.2020CENSUS.GOV.

The return rates of the census in for the Upper Eastside and Upper Westside as well as other parts of New York City are below what they should be at this time. Federal funding will be lower if these rates do not increase.

If you are at vacation homes because of COVID-19, you may not have received your census form. It is important that you fill out the census for where you normally live, not for your vacation address or other temporary location.

There are also questions about college students. Even if your college students are currently living with you during this period, they should complete their own census with the address at college where they were living in early March. Their roommates should also be included. There are good reasons for this as students use the local hospital, drive cars, etc. However, if they live in an on-campus dormitory, then the college will count them.

There is still time to shape the future of your community. You can complete the census online at, by phone at 844-330-2020 or by mail.

Note: If you do not have your Census ID, you can still respond online. It will indicate “If you do not have a Census ID, click here” and you will be asked for your address which you will link your response to your address.

Complete your 2020 census then call two friends to be sure they have submitted theirs!

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