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Central Synagugue Co-Sponsors Hartman Series on Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

September 30, 2015 | General News

Central Synagogue is proud to be co-sponsoring a six-part speaker series on the topic of Jewish values and the Israel-Palestinian conflict. The series attempts to rectify the internal Jewish communal challenges related to talking about the conflict by naming and working through the various values narratives that animate different political views about the conflict. Together with the unpacking of the complex meanings of peace in Jewish tradition, this series seeks to make the participants more self-aware of the values makeup of their own political views, and attempts to create a more stable pluralism in Jewish life in how we talk about this most divisive issue.

This series will feature scholars from the Shalom Hartman Institute, a pluralistic center of research and education, which aims to deepen and elevate the quality of Jewish life in both Israel and North America. Central clergy will be attending every lecture and we encourage our community to join us for as many of these programs as possible.

Other synagogues and institutions participating in this program include Anshe Chesed, Congregation B’nai Jeshurun, Congregration Kehillat Jeshurun, JCC of Manhattan, Park Avenue Synagogue, Rodeph Sholom, Society for the Advancement of Judaism, Sutton Place Synagogue, Temple Emanuel – Skirball Center, and Temple Israel of the City of New York.

October 13: Yehuda Kurtzer, Congregation Rodeph Sholom
November 10: Yossi Klein Halevi, Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun
December 15: Tal Becker, Congregation B’nai Jeshurun
January 12: Elana Stein Hain, Central Synagogue
February 9: Ruth Calderon, Ansche Chesed
March 8: Ruth Calderon, Temple Emanuel – Skirball

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