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Central Synagogue Encourages Members to Use Local CSA Program

February 24, 2016 | General News

Central Synagogue was proud to partner with Free Bird Farm for the past five years in hosting a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) program. As we aim to be very deliberate about how we are spending our time and our resources, and engaging our members deeply and meaningfully in exploring their Jewish lives, Central’s leaders have had to make choices about where to focus our efforts and have decided to discontinue the CSA program this year. However, we strongly encourage members to continue supporting the Free Bird Farm’s CSA program through one of their local New York sites.

Why join a CSA?

It’s a Jewish value! From the story of creation, we learn that God put human beings on earth to “till and tend it.” While most of us no longer have an agricultural vocation, the imperative to care for the earth is deeply rooted in Judaism. If we can support farmers who care for this earth, with our deeds and our finances, it is another way to care for the earth. In addition, our tradition has a food culture that believes that eating can be a sanctified act. Knowing the story of where our food comes from is another way to elevate this everyday act.

  • Buy local: Your support helps sustain small local farms that employ sustainable farming practices. Connect with the food you eat by meeting your farmers and exploring the farms. You can learn more about Free Bird Farm on their website.  
  • Eat well: If you’ve never had a farm-fresh tomato, you haven’t had a tomato! Buy the freshest food for your family, and explore new foods and learn to cook with them.  
  • Be healthy: Eat more fresh vegetables and fruit. Share healthy eating habits with your kids. Expose them early to a variety of regional, seasonal produce.  
  • Protect the environment: Support farmers who take care of their land by growing food in ways that take care of the soil. Cut down on the number of miles your food travels from the farm to your plate.  

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