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Action Items You Can Take in Response to Recent Protests

June 6, 2020 | General News | Repairing the World

This letter was sent to the congregation on Thursday, June 4, 2020

As Rabbi Buchdahl so beautifully said, "The work of fighting racism cannot be left only to the Black community, just as we know that antisemitism cannot be fought only by Jews. As we look at these recent turbulent days, we have to separate the violence and looting from the call for change echoing across the country. We must hear the groundswell of voices and listen to the pain and protest emanating from every corner of our beloved nation."

Our Central community is committed to fighting racism in America and helping to make our city, state, and country more just and equitable for every person. We are stronger when we learn and work together.

Below, please find just a few ways we can take action, advocate, and learn together... Read More

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