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A Look at Our History: February 2014

February 13, 2014 | General News

This article appeared in February 1941 in The Scribe (the Luach of its time) of Central Synagogue. We remain among the longest continuous use synagogues in New York City and state. The patriotic reference to Lincoln in The Scribe highlights our congregation’s reverence for him.  We celebrate his birthday again this week, and we continue to look beyond ourselves to the larger world in which we live. As in 1941, it remains that at Central “it is also fitting that the members of its Congregation and its friends should assemble there on the Sabbath nearest Lincoln’s Birthday to rejoice in our American heritage and to enlarge our sense of obligation to it in these days of trial.”

These monthly historical briefs are prepared by Amy Goldberger, Chair of the Archives Committee and Anne Mininberg, Archivist. To submit a photo or historical document to our Archives, email us.

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