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A Look at Our History: A Letter from the White House, 1946

January 13, 2015 | General News

The recent White House Hanukkah candle-lighting ceremony, in which Rabbi Angela W. Buchdahl participated by singing the blessings, is not the only time Central Synagogue has received attention from the White House.

In 1946 President Harry S. Truman sent a letter to our Rabbi Jonah B. Wise at the time of Central’s 100th anniversary praising our efforts to assist Europe’s World War II displaced persons. A world situation where “tyranny extinguishes the freedom of one it extinguishes the freedom of all” (quoting from the letter) is very much on the current national agenda. It is good to know that Central’s past concern for the peoples of the world is still one of our great concerns, and that we remain in the awareness of the White House.

These monthly historical briefs are prepared by Amy Goldberger, Chair of the Archives Committee and Anne Mininberg, Archivist. To submit a photo or historical document to our Archives, contact us.

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