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A Note of Appreciation from a High Holy Days Live Streamer

October 17, 2016 | General News

This beautiful message was sent to the Central Synagogue Clergy office between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur.

Greetings, Central Synagogue Clergy:

My partner and I can’t thank you enough for live streaming your High Holiday services. We’ve had a rough few years, and an especially rough summer and start to the fall. Unfortunately, we were unable to purchase tickets to High Holy Days services, and do not currently belong to a congregation, so even if things were different for us, we weren’t sure where we would go. The High Holy Days have always been my favorite time of year, and I feared this year wouldn’t feel special at all.

Unbeknownst to me, my partner (a born problem-solver!) began looking for High Holy Day services that could be live streamed. She found Central’s and we were just astounded. I just can’t say enough nice things about your services. The singing was beautiful and I loved the warm, open feeling behind every single thing that was said. The fact that Central has prayer books available for live streamers to use, so that everyone can participate, is wonderful. And the video was crystal clear. Live streaming actually made our Rosh HaShanah feel like a holiday.

I’m tearing up as I write this. It just means so much that you helped us rise above a number of very difficult circumstances to enjoy the holiday and make it feel special.

I also want to say something about Rabbi Buchdahl’s sermon. I have never heard a sermon like that. Never. Despite a very rich Jewish upbringing in northern New Jersey (I now live in Baltimore), I have very rarely found a rabbi that inspires me. But I was absolutely blown away, just blown away, as was my partner, by both her words and delivery, which were so beautiful and heartfelt. Your entire clergy is so warm and welcoming. That’s really saying something considering we were watching you all from our living room in Baltimore!

We also loved the hellos you beamed out before the services started. It made us feel like we were in good company watching services from our home!

We’ll be joining you tomorrow night for Kol Nidrei and for Yom Kippur services as well. If we’re ever in New York City, we will definitely stop by to say hello! I’m sure we will join you for Shabbat and other holiday services throughout the year as well!

Thank you so much once again for this incredible service. It’s really such a generous thing you provide, truly in the spirit of Judaism, so that no one has to feel alone and everyone can experience the richness of this season, and the richness of Judaism, regardless of what’s going on in their lives. Each and every one of you gave us hope for a good year to come. I can’t tell you how much that means to us right now.

Warm regards and best wishes for sweet, happy, and healthy New Year!

Jessica & Holly
Baltimore, MD

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