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News From Central

Messages From Leadership

October 9, 2023 | General News | Messages From Leadership | Repairing the World

Tips From Our Rabbi: Talking to Kids About the Crisis in Israel

In times of crisis, it is essential to provide children with a safe space to understand complex events unfolding around the world. The ongoing crisis in Israel has undoubtedly captured the attention of many, prompting parents and educators to seek guidance on how to approach this sensitive topic with children. Read this note from our Director of Youth and Family Education, Rabbi Rebecca Rosenthal, for insights and strategies to engage in meaningful conversations, fostering empathy, understanding, and a sense of connection with the situation in Israel.

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October 7, 2023 | Messages From Leadership

Our Family In Israel

We are devastated by the news from Israel this Shabbat and Simchat Torah morning. Exactly 50 years and a day from the surprise attack of the Yom Kippur War, Israel was once again taken by surprise by a wide scale attack by Hamas and possibly other terrorist forces. As Jews, we value life above all, and we pray for this violence to end quickly. Cantor Mutlu recorded this sung prayer, Acheinu (Our Brothers and Sisters) this morning, with Israel in his heart.  

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May 24, 2023 | General News | Messages From Leadership

Remarks from the 2023 Annual Meeting

Watch Senior Rabbi Angela Buchdahl and President Shonni Silverberg deliver their remarks at our Annual Congregational Meeting, held on Tuesday, May 23, 2023.

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April 13, 2023 | General News | Messages From Leadership

2023 Annual Meeting Slate of Candidates’ Biographies

This year’s meeting will be held virtually. All congregants are encouraged to attend via zoom or to watch the livestream. In accordance with Article V, Section 3(b) of the By Laws, we will vote to elect new officers and trustees and we will hear from our President, Treasurer, and Senior Rabbi.

—Jill Seigerman, Secretary

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April 3, 2023 | General News | Messages From Leadership

Organizational Announcement: Rabbi Nicole Auerbach

I am writing to share the bittersweet news that Rabbi Nicole Auerbach has accepted a new position and will be leaving Central at the end of June. She will be joining the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) in an important new position as the Associate Director of Community Building and Leadership.

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