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January 24, 2013 | General News | Worship and High Holidays

Shabbat Shirah & Tu BiSh’vat

Watch and listen as Cantor Buchdahl sings her d'rash for Tu BiSh'vat and the Song of the Sea for Shabbat Shirah.

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January 17, 2013 | General News | Worship and High Holidays

Shabbat Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Each year, we honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., during Shabbat worship, a fearless civil rights leader who understood and reminded us that, “The segregationists and racists make no fine distinction between the Negro and the Jew.”

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January 3, 2013 | General News

A Look at Our History: January 2013

In the winter of 1965, Central Synagogue began excavation for the construction of its new Community House at 123 East 55th Street.

Fourteen Religious School students and their teacher participated in a special ceremony with Rabbis David Seligson and Lewis Bogage and the Religious School principal, Philip Kravis. They had all come from their School/Community House building at 35 East 62nd Street for the occasion.

Today the construction, completed in 1966, is the home to all of Central Synagogue’s education programs for ages 0-120.

These monthly historical briefs are prepared by Amy Goldberger, Chair of the Archives Committee and Anne Mininberg, Archivist

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December 25, 2012 | General News

B’nei Mitzvah Israel Trip

Some of our b’nei mitzvah families traveled to Israel in December to sightsee, learn, and celebrate.

View more photos on the CenSyn Teens Facebook page.

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December 17, 2012 | General News

A Look at Our History: December 2012

Celebrating with light is popular in many religions during the dark month of December. During Chanukah, lighting the chanukiyah is our tradition, as represented by these joyful religious school students preparing to light the candles. The candles of the chanukiyah represent the miraculous eight days that the small vial of oil found in the Temple burned after the success led by the Maccabees.

These monthly historical briefs are prepared by Amy Goldberger, Chair of the Archives Committee and Anne Mininberg, Archivist

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