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November 28, 2012 | Repairing the World

Food Stamp Challenge: Day 4

Cantor Katz had oatmeal for breakfast; Rabbi Salth stocked up on soup
Cantor Katz had oatmeal for breakfast; Rabbi Salth stocked up on soup

Our clergy continued their week on the Food Stamp Challenge. Cantor Katz was only able to stick to the challenge for one meal, a breakfast of oatmeal. Rabbi Salth shared his reflections on the challenge:

I have been regularly humbled this week by this experience.  Fortunately for me, this challenge was an exercise. Trying to find a way to eat on a extreme budget is the norm for millions including, I know, the guests we welcome into our lobby each Thursday and Friday morning for a hot breakfast served by our dedicated volunteers.  In addition, I had a microwave to heat my soup each day.  What do people do when that is not an option  At minimum it limits their choices even further.

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November 27, 2012 | Repairing the World

Food Stamp Challenge: Day 3

Steve Chudnow and his daughter Dani, 13, are taking the Food Stamp Challenge together this week. While at work and school respectively, they've been turning down tempting meals and snacks in order to keep within their weekly budget of $31.50.

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November 26, 2012 | Repairing the World

Food Stamp Challenge: Day 2

The obvious "challenge" in this food stamp experience is budgetary: $1.50 per meal is substantially less than, for example, the cost of a Dunkin' Donuts breakfast sandwich--or even a cup of coffee there, for that matter.

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November 25, 2012 | Repairing the World

Food Stamp Challenge: Day 1

Submitted by Cantor Buchdahl

Yesterday I prepared for our family's taking the Food Stamp Challenge by grocery shopping with my son, Gabriel, age 12. I admit it felt a little like cheating that I did my shopping at a Shaw's in Vermont, near my in-laws house, where the prices are definitely cheaper than in Manhattan.

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November 20, 2012 | General News | Repairing the World

Hurricane Recovery Effort

Many of our members have expressed interest in contributing to the Hurricane Sandy recovery effort. We've compiled a list of ways that we can support our fellow New Yorkers.

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